People Counting: Footfall & Visitor Camera Systems


Table of Contents

Effective decision-making for your organization depends on having optimal business intelligence and accurate data. One way to gather invaluable data is through people counting systems, which utilize cameras and software to track important metrics such as footfall, customer-to-sales conversion ratios, marketing cost per thousand, and shoppers per square meter (SSM) in real-time. This data can provide valuable insights into customer behavior and help you make informed decisions to optimize your business operations.

This data can then be used towards your Key Performance Indicators (KPI’s) to give you a better understanding of your business and your customers’ behaviour and overall.

What are the benefits of people counting and footfall visitor systems?

Implementing a people counting system can provide numerous benefits beyond increased security by allowing you to monitor and log every individual entering your premises. Some of these benefits include:

  • Calculating your business’s conversion ratio
  • Comparing your business’s performance with others across a worldwide network
  • Analyzing your overall footfall patterns and pinpointing the most popular areas
  • Optimizing your building layout and staffing levels
  • Improving customer service by optimizing staff during peak footfall times, which can reduce overall wait times for customers.

By leveraging the data generated by a people counting system, you can gain valuable insights into customer behavior and make data-driven decisions to improve your business operations.

How do people counting and footfall camera systems work?

People counting systems rely on readers to accurately count the number of people entering a facility or zone. By doing so, the system can also detect and record important metrics such as entry and exit times, as well as queue and wait times for people in specific areas. This data can help you identify how long people spend in different locations and how frequently those areas are visited. By analyzing this data, you can gain insights into customer behavior and make informed decisions to optimize your business operations, improve customer experience, and increase revenue.

A people counting system typically includes the following components:

  1. Imaging optics: This refers to the cameras or sensors that capture the images or data needed to count people.
  2. Sensors: These are the devices that detect the presence of people, such as infrared sensors or pressure-sensitive mats.
  3. Signal processing: This involves the analysis and interpretation of the data collected by the sensors, such as filtering out noise or identifying individual people.
  4. Interfacing electronics: These are the components that allow the system to communicate with other devices, such as a computer or a display screen. The system typically includes several virtual counting lines, which can be defined and adjusted by an operator using a PC.

When people pass each virtual counting line in a specific direction, the system registers the count and updates the display accordingly.

Is a CCTV / people counter hybrid possible?

The people counting software can be integrated with a standard CCTV system to create an intelligent and effective detection and alert system. This technology has advanced capabilities that allow it to recognize people, vehicles through automatic number plate recognition (ANPR), animals, bags, and even colors. Additionally, the system can monitor the speed, duration, and direction of any of these objects.

For instance, the system can monitor the duration of an unattended bag and alert security personnel if it remains unattended for an extended period of time. The software can also identify specific behaviors and activate alarms based on the severity of the observed behavior. This enhanced functionality can significantly improve security measures and help prevent potentially harmful situations.

How will people counting and footfall camera systems help your organisation?

Here are just a few examples from specific organisations:

The Police:

  • Recognises different behaviours and creates an alarm on a user-defined rule. E.g. “person moving from vehicle to vehicle in a car park”
  • Compare images of individuals from incoming CCTV video against databases which will send alerts when a positive match occurs
  • Track visitors at prisons, police stations or those in custody, for more efficient control

Retail Shops and Outlets:

  • To confirm the success of promotional activities by comparing the footfall of customers at certain times.
  • Evaluate outside and inside traffic data
  • Research how many customers are actually buyers (compare with People Counting data with Cash desk data)
  • Reduce labour costs. With knowledge of the customer amount at specific times, weekdays and seasonal periods, the number of employees can be defined

To find out what the effects are when new competition occurs

Public Facilities:

Identify attractive public areas, especially within national heritage locations

Data on new and returning visitors, average visit duration and visit frequency

What type of people use the facility, and change the facility according to who you want to attract

To compare the pull of different looks and themes


Provide crowd control to prevent injury.

To appraise the effect of changes in exhibition.

See who is attracted to market and promote accordingly.

People counting and footfall surveillance systems are designed to benefit an array of organisations and businesses. These include: Retail Stores, Shopping Centres, Hotels, Clubs, Tourist Venues, Sporting Facilities, Museums, Libraries, Art Galleries, Universities, Train Stations, Supermarkets, Public Facilities, Airports, Gigs, Festivals, Events, Prisons or Police stations etc.

Using People Counting Camera Systems and How It Can Improve Retail Operations

E-commerce companies rely on various online tools to track customer behavior, such as their origin, frequently viewed items, and how to improve the overall online shopping experience. However, the retail experience differs significantly, and physical tools are required to gather data. One of the most traditional methods to monitor shopper

behavior in physical stores is through people counting systems. Most retail stores have installed such systems.

While traditional people counting systems are effective, some organizations desire more comprehensive and accurate data collection. In this article, we will explore the advantages of using security cameras equipped with people counting capabilities and how it can enhance retail operations.

People Counting Cameras Deliver Better Crowd Counting and Unique Visitor Data

Typical people counting methods offer basic foot traffic data, such as a door counter that registers how many times someone has passed the sensor. This method provides a headcount of individuals entering and exiting the store, but distinguishing between customers and employees is challenging.

Standard people counting methods offer general foot traffic data. For instance, a door counter registers the number of times someone has walked past the sensor. Although this provides insight into how many people are entering and exiting the store, it is challenging to differentiate between actual customers and employees.

Understand and Identify Your Best Customers with a People Counting Camera System

Having detailed people counting data enables a more comprehensive understanding of customers and store performance. Utilizing people counting cameras with facial recognition capabilities provides even greater insights for optimizing the business.

Facial recognition combined with people counting makes it easy to identify and prioritize the best customers, ensuring they receive a personalized and exceptional experience upon entering the store. By leveraging facial recognition, customers can be seen as more than just a number.

Integrating facial recognition with people counting enables a profound understanding of customers through analyzing foot traffic, customer demographics, ideal customer profile, and much more.

People Counting Camera Systems Provide Better Data to Support Marketing, Sales, and Operations

Access to reliable data allows management to make more informed decisions that can facilitate business growth. Without accurate data, a company’s growth strategy is akin to shooting in the dark.

People counting cameras provide more than just general foot traffic and unique people counts. They can also shed light on space utilization, helping optimize the retail floor and increase sales.

Touch of Color, one of our customers, wanted to upgrade their existing people counter and switch to Rhombus Systems. Since adopting our solution, Touch of Color has access to more accurate people data from our cameras, allowing them to make informed business decisions and determine the effectiveness of their sales and marketing activities.

Wrapping Up

People counting cameras provide tremendous value, such as more qualitative and quantitative data points that you just cannot get with traditional people counting systems. If you are interested in testing our solution out and want to experience the difference for yourself, please reach out to

Visit our Camera store.